Monday, October 22, 2007


I'm having fun, mostly. The weather is gorgeous, I'm up to running between 2 and 3 miles a day, my recent bike accident has only produced bruises, the kid's show I am doing has a phenomenally lovely cast, and my fiance remains steadily awesome, eliminating much second guessing.

But trawling around on facebook and the internet, I see, well, a lot of people that I miss. (And it could be you, reader.) Also, I am enjoying just enough of my days to realize how little I enjoy working at a desk unless it's payday. Ironically, this month is financially quite tense as I am working much less at a desk. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

My mother is full of completely irrational and impractical schemes for the weekend of the wedding, like having everyone over to our condo for breakfast on Sunday morning. HUNH? How, pray tell, will we have time to cook? Aren't we all a little BUSY being in a wedding on Saturday?

Anyway, she's away in Africa at the moment, so I will try to avoid that headache for a moment.

But back to the people I miss.

I miss them.

Hmm. That was succinct.

Maybe I should have lunch and continue this later.