"bubble gum pop songs lakeshore drive summer simple gorgeous"
I wrote that string of words the other night around midnight after riding home on the lakefront listening to really inane pop songs. It was a note to myself that I wanted to remark on the simple pleasure of the ridiculously catchy and stupid pop song - particularly prevalent in summer, but always great.
Now, I like "real" music, yes. But there's a case to be made for the summer hook, the completely pointless lyric, the repetitive na-na-na-na of a really great ear worm kind of song. I want to go on record: I know the words are either stupid or non-existent, the tunes are simple and repetitive, but there are a BUNCH of super poppy songs out right now that I can't bring myself to spend money to own, but when they come on the radio, I turn it way up and dance in my seat in the car. Or in my living room.
[Side note: apparently I have a bit of a problem with spontaneous dancing. A friend noted once that I will dance with hardly any provocation. I do, it's true, and often badly, but with enormous verve. Does my sheer need to groove make up for the fact that I'm bad? I hope so. If you've ever witnessed one of my break-outs of dance, I probably should apologize, but I enjoy it too much, so FTS (the shit in that one=me apologizing).
Oh, you thought I forgot about FTS? Nope. ]
All right, so I'm not a music snob, and it's not hard for me to enjoy a stupid pop song. I appeal to all of you out there who think you're too good for the summer jam: give it a chance. If it's really hot outside, go get in the car, or plug in your headphones, turn on the radio, and wait for some CLEARLY INSIPID song to come on. Then bop for all you're worth. Lean into the da-da-da-da-da-da. Head bang a little to the beat. Dance sideways. Throw in a boy-band-brand outstretched hand at the end of a big phrase. And I'm betting you'll discover it's silly, but damn fun. It is the junk-food of the music world - I KNOW the calories are empty, but every once in a while, isn't it great to have soft-serve ice cream?
Yes, I'm including both "Call Me Maybe" and "You Don't Know You're Beautiful". Both songs are indeed entirely subpar as songwriting goes. BUT AWESOME SUMMER JAMS. Find your own.
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