Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dear Universe

Dear Universe,

So, I can tell you're bored, because of the way you've been messing with me.  In the past month, you've given me more surprises than I thought I was equipped to handle, made me question things I thought were rock solid and exploded myths I've held on to for years.  Congratulations.  I AM thoroughly confused, and find myself capable of all sorts of things I never imagined, while still without the opportunities to make the life changes I've been planning.

I'll say this for you, Universe - you have a great and quirky sense of humor, and I've always liked that in a person.  Thought you may be bored enough to play around with me and my future, I have Not Been Bored At All.  I've been buying lots of high heels and short dresses and makeup, too, just to make sure I'm ready for whatever you have next in mind.

You should know that I've learned absolutely nothing yet, so if you have a specific point, I haven't grasped it. 

But I'm not down.  Now I'm just waiting.

Your move, universe.

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