Hey! My tactic is working, sort of! I've had MORE rejection news, and so far I seem to be able to leapfrog over it. I just ignore all the "oh-I'm-worthless-and-talentless" noise that usually accompanies the act of being rejected, and I go to work every night doing an awesome project.
It's not failsafe, but it's much more entertaining than getting completely bogged down in my own lack of ability.
Because, when I face up to it, I don't have that much talent to start with. Some, sure. But I'm no genius. I'm not being negative, seriously. Of course I wish I were a genius, but I think if I were, the acting road would probably be a little easier. I'm right in the middle of the road, and I hope as time goes by I'll get better.
So, I don't really care whether or not I'm a genius or not. I love acting. I love telling stories onstage. So I'll keep trying to do it. Since those facts are true, why even bother getting upset when evidence of my inabilities comes around? Surely I'm better off focusing on either the facts that support my choices (for instance, I'm currently working, performing 6 shows a week at an awesome theatre in an awesome cast of people!), or, when those aren't in evidence, trying to improve myself in some area.
This sounds really easy, and cheerful, and like something I should always do and should have been doing all along. Ha! Too true. I think it shows how truly powerful having work can be.
I have a lot more to say about this, mostly so when I succumb to despair later I can come back and remind myself that I'm being an idiot, but I have to go clean my house - I have guests coming! Ya-hoo!
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