I spent yesterday fielding calls from agents. You'd think this would be good, right?
Agent A puts me on hold for a gig on Tuesday.
Agent B comes along and asks if I'd be available for a Tues/Wed/Thurs job.
I call and bug Agent A, wait around for about an hour and discover I've been "released" for Tuesday, so now I am actually available.
While waiting for that job to come through, Agent C calls and asks could I work a gig on Wednesday.
So I start harassing Agent B to find out if the Tues/Wed/Thurs job came through.
The dust has settled and the answer is that after all that frantic phoning, I've been released from all three jobs. As in, I didn't book any of them.
I've noticed an odd convergence is happening regarding this blog. It's being read by people who could feasibly feature in it. Now, as a general rule, that very phenomenon is the reason I kept a blog and didn't tell anyone it was here for a long time. I remember very clearly telling a new aquaintance about the blog and later realizing that I had effectively nixed writing about her. (And trust me, she would have been an interesting subject.)
But when I headed off to NY this summer, I thought - perfect! Here's a time and place where no one knows I'm writing about them, as long as I keep my mouth shut about it to them. Hurrah! The shackles were off and I was free to bitch and moan, and what's more, there were people reading! True, I was probably only up to about 10, maybe 15 readers, but still, that's heady stuff for a girl whose page was once written with the sole intent of amusing and provoking the one person who knew it existed. That's an increase of 1500%!
I think. My math is rusty.
However, now I am back in my daily life, and the cat is out of the bag, but I am interacting with people who could read the blog. It was satisfying this summer to attempt to be polite and then unleash all my cattiness for the blog, but when the people you want to be snarky about can look up what you said about them, you are no longer even attempting to be polite.
It's quite a bind for a good southern girl. Here I am, politely waiting for certain family characters to die in order not to offend them when I write about them and make a fortune, but if I keep chattering on about my daily life on the blog, I'm potentially offending those with whom I live and work. It's troubling. I see why people turn to fiction. Or even, *ahem*, completely unintelligible obsfucation of the insanely quotidian nature of their lives. (You know, they make it sound elaborate when it's just boring.)
But I'm off the subject. Or am I? See, I could be talking about someone who is actually reading the blog right now! It could be YOU!
It probably isn't, though. You had to look up "quotidian", didn't you?
Maybe that's the solution...I should be snarky to people right to their faces.
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