I should be working. I'll go back to work in just a minute.
But first, I'm sad tonight, and I wish I weren't.
Peanut butter shouldn't be so tasty but ridiculously fattening.
Spring flowers should not contain so much pollen.
When you find something that makes you happy, you should not have to lose it.
If you have the great fortune to hang onto something that makes you happy, it should continue to make you happy, instead of becoming known and taken-for-granted.
But worst, oh, worst, when you have built yourself a fictional distraction from whatever ails you, and are perfectly aware that it doesn't exist, that the mind pictures you've created and luxuriate in for pleasure are entirely in the mind and have no possible counterpart in the real world -
Your heart should not ache for it to be real. We, my children, cannot travel to Narnia. Because it doesn't exist. Why must we saddle ourselves with the longing?
Today, I wish I could pull a Bruce Chatwin, and leave a note on my desk that just says:
"Gone to Patagonia."
Ok, self, you know what's real and what's not. Knuckle down and do your work.
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