All right, so I've rethought this audition all day, and I must admit that I might have been a tad nervous and talked too much and said stupidly inappropriate things, and been generally like an excited puppy. That's one way to over-think it.
I just had a really great time with some of the best artists in this city at one of the most beautiful theatres in this city and while I was there, I acted like I belonged there. Instead of asking for a job or asking them to like me or being any kind of supplicant, I asked artistic questions and ended up having an artistic interaction with people I admire and respect. One of the questions I asked ended up giving the auditioner a new idea. That's right, I brought a new idea into the room for an audition for a play that's been done a trillion times, for an audition to understudy a tiny little role.
You know why that's so amazing? Because if they don't hire me for this job, it doesn't matter. I showed up today as an artist who can bring something to the conversation, and not everyone who walked into that room did that. Heck, that theatre will hire some people who didn't do that. I could be wrong, but I think I just proved myself to be an entirely different kind of actor.
The kind who will work. Maybe not this project, maybe not for a while, but without a doubt, eventually.
It feels fantastic. It feels like being who I'm supposed to be.
Oh, and it was 70 degrees today, which felt like a dream for December.
Great day, coming after a great week. I feel lucky. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket.
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