Monday, November 21, 2011


I was going to bend your ear about sadness and elation and worry all fusing into some electric dance step today, with a score of kick-ass music behind it.  I was going to steal outright an idea from someone's tumblr about the fact that you can be wandering around in a store and some schmatzy, old-school song comes on (for me the other night it was "On the Dark Side" by Eddie and the Cruisers), and without preamble you are teary-eyed with longing for a past you barely remember.

I was going to try to break your heart.

But instead I've realized I am hungry, and I'm going to just put everything I wish I could have and don't on hold and go make some dinner.

Because despite what I tend to give off, underneath the wild aura of fervent drama lurks a pragmatist.  A girl's gotta eat.

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