Wednesday, July 25, 2012


This really goes with the last post, but I didn't have the heart to make it longer.

On the train home from work at 11 pm tonight, I had what might be the breakthrough, the return back to being able to live with myself:

I looked down and saw a pair of really beautiful shoes, and as I scanned up I saw they were on a beautifully dressed girl - adorable dress, very glamorous, short and colorful.  She looked effortlessly fantastic.  And my actual knee-jerk thought was - wow, I bet her feet hurt in those by 11 pm at night.

Not, oh, she's so much prettier than I am (she was).

Not, oh, I wish I owned anything as pretty as that dress (I do).

Not, oh, the sight of someone attractive has made me want to crawl under a rock and hide (though of course now I totally feel that way).

Just a fleeting thought for her humanity and the idea that the perfect-looking sometimes pay in ways you don't see.

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