Thursday, April 04, 2013

I don't really know how that went

I had a fantastic time today at an audition.  Now, I was also very nervous, and I admit fully that even if I showed off my best self, there's a significant chance my best isn't good enough for this level.

But I had a really nice time auditioning in a completely beautiful room overlooking all of Chicago, and with a lovely bevy of people watching.  I can't tell you how I did, except I didn't blow it.  It felt pretty good - I'm obviously not sure what everybody on the other side of the table thought but they were kind, and laughed at my choices (in a good way, in the sense that I was attempting to be funny and it produced the noise of laughter), and asked me to sing something additional.

And one of my favorite people was behind the table, someone I like unreservedly, just because he's both talented and really enjoys what he's doing, no matter what it is.  I can't tell you how often you run into people at the top of their careers who sound really put-upon with all their success, as if getting what they want is a burden.  I know everyone's life has a little rain, but come on, we pretend things for a living, and sing songs.  It Should Be Fun, at least most of the time.  (Everybody's got bad days, I get it.)  Anyway, behind the table was someone who always seems to be having a good time.  The sheer joy makes me happy.  I pretty much want him to work forever, in anything he wants.

So that person is working on this project!  And whether or not I get to be involved after today, it helps knowing awesome people are working, and that I've worked with a bunch of them, which means I might get to work with them again.  If not this time, some other time.

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