Thursday, September 08, 2011

Something AWESOME

Wow.  I am.  Wow.

Ok.  This may be the minute everything changes, or it may not be.  But I just got cast in a show, a great show, a show I can be really excited about.  A show with a really really well-respected theatre.  It'll probably be a tiny tiny role, I'm just in the ensemble, but I don't care.  I feel so excited that I'm about to work with these people, these people I respect and think are awesome beyond belief.

I almost can't describe how thrilling it feels.  I have a toe-hold in the kind of theatre I can truly adore.  The kind of atmosphere I can respect.  I get to work with people I think are AMAZING.  I get to do a 3 month run of this show.  It's a play I read and got super excited about because it is creative and fascinating and bizarre and entrancing.  And I GET TO BE IN IT.

I hate to have it be all middle-schooly, but THEY PICKED ME!!!  I'M A PRETTY GIRL, MAMA!

The worst part, now I have to wait three months for rehearsals to start.  But I don't care.  It's going to be awesome.

Thank you, universe.  My something good.  Thank you.


hg said...

totally awesome! :) congrats!

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous news! When do performances start? Maybe I can come see it... JRA