Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ok, it starts

Two years ago, I spent my summer rehearsing for two Shakespeare plays and dieting/exercising.  The dieting was tough, because I like eating.  But I did manage to get rid of some extra weight and I found I really liked being that size of person. I still wasn't skinny even then, but it was easier to buy clothes and I felt much healthier.  Ironically, even then I would have had to lose something like another 20 pounds to think about being an actor in LA, but since that's not a goal of mine, I didn't worry about it.

By now, I have gone back to eating whatever is tasty and gained that weight back.  However!  I think I am going to try to regain that ground this summer, starting tomorrow.  No more excuses, no more,'s an effort to reintroduce myself to discipline, because I feel I have been shockingly undisciplined in my life recently.

Also, I just realized I probably have to wear a skimpy costume and play a fairy in about 5 weeks, and it would behove me not to look as if I have been stuffed with marshmallows.

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