Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last nice weather day

I think I would give up all the things I owned if I could go hang out with all the people I love instead.  This sounds easy to accomplish - it is not, as many of the people I love live far away, in other countries, perhaps.  And seeing them would involve some other costs.

It strikes me that in a way I want to visit all the other people I've been, and that may be true, but I genuinely  want to find out how everyone else is doing.  I want to sit and drink red wine out of my friend's heavy goblet wine glasses - they're odd, as if they are props and not meant to drunk out of - and I want to ask her how she finds her life these days and hear her call me "Lizzie."  I want to go see another friend's brand new adorable baby.  I want to go and harass yet another friend until his deadpan face cracks and he actually laughs at something I say.  That could take days, but if I could manage it, I'd be gleeful.  I hope he still has the dreadful piano scarf, though I doubt it.

I want to see my best friend, and do something ridiculous with her that no one else would ever bother doing - put on costumes and go on an adventure, go prom dress shopping (no intention of prom dress buying, just shopping), camp, sit at the Waffle House, consult the I Ching or make up fake potions to help us through our lives.

I want to take HG back to London and find Fran!!!  We'd jump back in time and clean house together and then have jacket potatoes for lunch, gossiping all the while.  Hmmm.  Come to think of it, just to move into the present, I want to visit HG in Italy next year and force her to have some adventure she'd never have thought of...possibly involving wine, but perhaps not.

I'd like to have dinner with a friend I never get to see and see them.  Ask questions, argue, persuade, laugh, remember, and plan.  No, not plan, plot.  I need me some new horizons, and I'd like to have old friends on them with me.

I can't think of a single object I own than I wouldn't give up if it meant I could do this.

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