Monday, March 04, 2013

Storm Coming

How lazy am I that all the talk of an enormous storm just makes me think I could hunker down in my house and read books and maybe (if the power holds out) watch tv?  An audition just got moved, and if it's really horrible, maybe my work shift will get called off tomorrow as well.  This could be a great, great day.

I bought a ton of groceries, so we'd be set. As long as the heat stays on. Heh.

In other news, I have a first rehearsal tonight, and I am both excited and nervous.  I think I want a hot coffee to gird my loins but I'm a little afraid of what will happen to me if I drink coffee this late.

It's so so lucky to have another show booked.  It's great.  I hope I can spend the rest of my life bouncing from play to play to project to play.  I love it.

Now if I can just get this nervousness under control...

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