Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Will I solve this problem?

I'm sad and I'm distressed.  I sit here, trying to make myself accomplish any one of a few minor tasks and stay away from just a few these-things-won't-help timewasters.  Emotionally, I'm close to the edge.  Minor irritations were huge stressers for me today, which is always worrying.  When you find yourself flying off the handle for small things, you know you can't trust yourself.

The funny part is how rationally my brain understands I am overreacting.  Given a few minutes, I can take a breath and calm down, talk myself off the ledge.  I can also quite rationally work out exactly what I need to do to make myself feel better.  Turn on the heat.  Read a good book.  Go exercise.  Get a massage.  Allow myself to cry.  Call some friends, do something for one of them instead of just wallowing in what is over.  Then, after a little rest and a little judicious, planned wallowing, make plans to see people I love, watch theatre I love, and then work on getting better at making theatre I love.  

It's not a hard prescription.  Tonight, though, I just have to take the pain-killer that is tv.  Let's hope God has pity on me and that the Horse Doctor is on the newly re-surfaced Korean Channel.

I love the Korean Channel.  LOVE IT.

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