Thursday, August 04, 2011

So proud

The interns I directed performed their scenes tonight and they were so awesome!!!  Ok, maybe they wouldn't be ready to star in a Royal Shakespeare Company production or a Hollywood picture, but they were clear, and funny, and knew exactly what they were saying in real words and had a blast.  I was especially pleased about how clear they were - they were making choices!  Thinking things through!!  It was great.

I'm so very proud of their work, and thrilled that I got a chance to work on scenes with them.  It's been work, more just arranging everyone's schedule to allow for rehearsal, but the good kind of work, the kind I like doing.

I still prefer acting myself, and I discovered more about what I wanted to direct them to do (or not do) when I walked the script with them, but it was a very gentle, easy introduction to directing.  Or really, coaching, I guess.

Yay!  No more Macbeth.  I may miss Midsummer, but I don't think I'll miss Macbeth.  Fake blood is really sticky.  Ugh.

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